That which we call a top by any other name…

In my time as a fashionista, a consumer and an instructor of fashion design something that is lost on the general public is the terminology associated with this profession. If I asked you to true up a sloper you would most likely look at me as if I had broccoli growing out of my ears. And that’s understandable, you most likely don’t work in the fashion industry. But something even more frustrating is being a consumer who is presented with a million options and a limited word base.


Have you ever looked at someone and said something similar to this?

“I loved that dress it was really fitted right in here (pointing toward center torso) and then it had this really cool neck thing and the sleeves came to about here (motioning in the vicinity of the elbow) and it was polka dotted.”



Having a basic knowledge of clothing descriptions can not only help you narrow down what it is you are looking for, but it can help you better search for it on the internet, ask your store clerks for specifics and make watching “Project Runway” a whole lot more interesting.

Now before we go off the deep end I am going to start with tops. This said most of the information you will find below will also come in handy when discussing dresses, but more on those later. I want to give these pieces of info slowly so I don’t smell your brains cooking from across the internet.





There are hundreds if not thousands of variations on these necklines, but the gist is still the same. A round necked garment is still a round neck even it if is done with layers or has beading and embroidery. But when we get into Collars not all tops are treated equally!




Now I use this collar illustration, that appears to have been made in the 80’s, but is super informative.

The collars on the far left are you flat collars. Center left are your stand collars. Center right Partial roll collars. And far right Full roll collars.



Here are your basic sleeve types and their corresponding terms. Now length is another thing to discuss.


We have from top to bottom in order: sleeveless, cap, short, 2/3rd sleeve, 3/4 sleeve and long.


So now that you are armed (pun intended) with the basic knowledge of fashion terminology! Try it out. Now you an say, “I have this great cap sleeve top with a rounded neckline and a peter pan collar that I just love wearing!” And let’s not forget knowledge is power especially as a consumer!

More on pants, dresses and fitting style lines later! Stay tuned!

Your Fabulous Fashionista,


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